Welcome to an exciting Season Two starting tomorrow, July 12th! We’re kicking off with an update full of new key features, quality of life improvements, more customization options, and even more say in how you play – you won’t want to miss out! No matter how you choose to play Age IV, be it single player, campaign, or ranked, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few highlights that you can look forward to in tomorrow’s update!
Map Preference System
Player Color Picker
Remappable Hotkeys
Fully Unlocked Campaigns
The wait is almost over for Ranked Season Two! You can jump into all the fun on July 14th! More information will be on its way then – so stay tuned!
"We wanted to add more strategic considerations to army positioning around siege weapons while increasing realism in the interaction between siege and non-siege units. To accomplish this, we’ve made all units (except villagers) use their normal weapons vs siege units. This means the knight charge will be a powerful option vs siege if there aren’t any nearby spearman to brace. Units not using torches means they will have to get closer to their targets so it’s easier to block them and protect the siege. Of course, we still want there to be multiple counter play options to siege weapons. To get the balance correct with this feature we’ve done a large readjustment. With torches, melee units were able to stack and push each other, allowing many units to all hit the same siege target. Now melee units obey normal pathing rules so there are only a few that can hit siege weapons at a time. To account for this, we reduced the health of siege weapons. Units like horsemen remain strong counters as we have given their melee attacks bonus damage vs siege weapons."
Units that attack with melee weapons no longer switch to torches when targeting siege units
Torches no longer deal bonus damage vs Siege
Siege Works armor bonus increased from 3 to 10
Reduced the height of projectile trajectories to make them easier to read
Health reduced from 700 to 420 HP
Ranged armor increased from 8 to 20
Health reduced from 240 to 140 HP
Ranged armor increased from 8 to 20
Health reduced from 200 to 125 HP
Bonus damage vs Siege reduced from +90 to +70
Stone Wall Gates under construction can be attacked by any unit
"This is already the case for Stone Walls, we are just standardizing the behavior"
Bonus damage vs Naval now also applies to demolition ships and non-combat ships
Attack interval reduced from 6.25 to 4.5 seconds
Damage decreased from 60 to 40
"The high range and burst damage on Springald towers makes them extremely powerful. Their low cost makes them spammable. Note that these changes in combination with the increased armor on siege weapons means Springald Emplacements are now less cost effective."
Damage decreased from 85 to 70
Damage type changes from Siege to Ranged
"Cannon emplacements deal 100% of their damage in AoE around the initial target. We wanted to retain this cool feature while making them less effective vs single targets like Bombards."
Stone buildings now cost Stone to repair instead of Wood
"We’re looking to help resolve stalemate games and give a more realistic feel to the repair mechanic. Repair rate is still 1 resource per second. All other buildings cost Wood to repair. Keep style Landmarks continue to cost Wood to repair. We wanted a clean and easy-to-understand rule that didn’t restrict repairing a victory condition to the rare stone resource."
Relic limit on all Monasteries and Landmarks that act as Monasteries set to 3
"This adds an additional cost to players who get more than 3 Relics and helps streamline the system between buildings. It also makes the HRE power of garrisoning into keeps/towers more valuable."
Keep Landmarks now correctly activate a new weapon for each of their garrison slots
Fixed a bug where Capital Town Centers didn’t fire an additional weapon for each of their garrison slots after 13.
"Note that English were always working correctly."
Food deposit buildings can now be placed closer to Fish resources in shallow water.
Construction begins at 1% health, reduced from 10%
"Our intention is that an enemy army would be able to tear down a stone wall that is constructed right under its nose."
Fixed a bug when multiple buildings are selected, units could not be queued for production if one of the buildings already had a full queue. Units can be queued as long as at least one of the selected buildings has room in its queue.
Added new visual effect to Keeps and Stone Wall Towers when burning oil is triggered.
You can now activate units' unique abilities from within a selection of mixed units.
"For example if you have an army of Knights and Arbaletrier, the Pavis ability can now be activated."
Trade Ships no longer return additional Gold, instead they return +100% of the trade value as Wood.
Naval target priority normalized to prefer enemey boats
"Naval units will no longer prefer buildings like docks when there are still enemy boats in their range."
Fixed an issue where units using attack move wouldn’t prioritize attacking defensive landmarks.
Cost reduced from 350 Gold to 275 Gold
Research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
Research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
"As the path to utilize this technology is long in the early game (Blacksmith, technology research, create infantry to make Ram) in some cases the window of opportunity was closed before Rams could be utilized. We’ve sped this up a touch to give more aggressive options early on."
Drop Carcass command can now be queued before holding a carcass
Fixed an issue where units using attack move wouldn’t prioritize defensive Landmarks.
Fixed a bug where under some conditions units could attack faster than intended by issuing a move command after attacking to cancel the cooldown between hits.
Certain units were being stubborn about responding to attack commands in specific situations. These units have been disciplined and will to do better next time. (Sorry Beasty!)
Small stone deposit decreased from 1500 to 1200
Large stone deposit decreased from 3000 to 2400
"Late game was leading to a lot of stalemates when there was such a large number of keeps that both players could create. We’ve pulled back the stone on the map so that there are less defenses and thus each is a key strategic point that is important to battle over."
Scouts given an attack command will now properly target villagers instead of a nearby carcass they are gathering.
There was a mismatch between the UI displayed value for the attack speed of some units and its output.
Units given queued commands no longer lose those commands when receiving a tier upgrade (IE becoming Veteran or Elite).
Fixed an issue where units would target the backside of a wall tower instead of the front.
Fixed crash that could occur when using rallying Villagers to a resource drop off.
Transport Ship help text updated to highlight that the ship will use the line of sight of units inside its garrison.
Fixed an issue where construction of rams, walls, and some other items could remove nearby berry bushes.
Showing notes for the Order of the Dragon. Other patch notes are hidden.
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