Hero Level Up Choice
Level 2 option Jeanne chooses the path of the Archer, equipping a bow to engage foes from afar. Gains the Divine Arrow ability, which deals high damage to a single target. Requires 500XP
Hero Level Up Choice
Level 2 option Jeanne chooses the path of the Warrior, equipping a two handed sword to engage foes in close combat. Gains the Holy Wrath ability, which deals area of effect damage around Jeanne. Requires 500XP
Hero Level Up Choice
Level 3 option Jeanne's Champions become available to train at Barracks. Gains "To Arms, Men!", which rallies 3 Champions to her side. Requires 500XP
Hero Level Up Choice
Level 3 option Jeanne's Riders become available to train at Stables. Gains "Riders, Ready!", which rallies 3 Riders to her side. Requires 500XP
Hero Level Up Choice
Level 4 option Jeanne's Rally Call ability will now call 7 of her chosen companions onto the Battlefield. Gains the Strength of Heaven ultimate ability, which greatly empowers a single unit. Requires 500XP
Hero Level Up Choice
Level 4 option Jeanne's Rally Call ability will now call 3 of her chosen companions and a powerful Cannon onto the Battlefield. Gains the Valorous Inspiration ultimate ability, which greatly increases the attack speed of nearby allies. Requires 500XP
Woodcutting Technology
Double the rate at which Villagers chop down trees.
Hunting Technology
Increase Villagers' hunted meat gather rate by +15%.
Villager Technology
Increase the carry capacity of Villagers by +5 and their movement speed by +15%.
Wood Gathering Technology 1/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Wood by 15%.
Fishing Technology 1/2
Increase the gathering rate of Fishing Ships by +15% and carry capacity by +10.
Hunting Technology
Scouts gain the ability to carry animal carcasses and +100% damage against wild animals. Scouts move -35% slower while carrying and cannot pick up Boar.
Mining Technology 1/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Gold and Stone by 15%.
Villager Technology
Increase Villagers' health by +50%.
Food Gathering Technology 1/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Food by 10%. Does not apply to hunted meat.
Fishing Technology 2/2
Increase the gathering rate of Fishing Ships by +10%, carry capacity by +20 and move speed by +10%.
Wood Gathering Technology 2/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Wood by 15%.
Mining Technology 2/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Gold and Stone by 15%.
Food Gathering Technology 2/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Food by 10%. Does not apply to hunted meat.
Wood Gathering Technology 3/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Wood by 15% and Wood gatherers carry capacity by +5.
Mining Technology 3/3
Gold gatherers drop off 15% more resources.
Food Gathering Technology 3/3
Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Food by 10%. Does not apply to hunted meat.
Trade Technology
Active Traders generate 1 gold every 6 seconds.
Naval Technology
Add a defensive arrowslit to this Dock which only attacks ships.
Naval Technology 1/2
Increase the health of all military ships by +20% and ranged armor by +1.
Naval Technology
Increases the number of arrows fired by Archer Ships by +1.
Naval Technology
Incendiary Ships gain +20% explosion range.
Naval Technology
Springald Ships gain +1 range and attack 20% faster.
Naval Technology
Increase the damage of Incendiary Ships by +40%.
Naval Technology
Archer Ship arrows light enemy Ships on fire, dealing damage over time.
Naval Technology 2/2
Increase the health of all military ships by +20% and ranged armor by +1.
Naval Technology
Springald Ships gain an additional Cannon which fires in 360 degrees.
Naval Technology
Increase the damage of naval cannons by +15%.
Weapon Emplacement
Add defensive arrowslits to this structure and increase garrison arrow range by +1. Only one weapon emplacement can be added.
Defensive Emplacement
Add +1000 health and +5 fire armor to this Outpost.
Defensive Technology
Towers and Keeps gain a boiling oil attack against nearby units that deals 30 damage.
Weapon Emplacement
Add a defensive springald emplacement to this structure.
Building Technology
Patronage of the finest builders increases all building health by +30%.
Weapon Emplacement
Add a defensive cannon emplacement to this structure.
Healing Technology
Increase the healing rate of religious units by +60%.
Religious Technology
Increase the health of religious units by +40.
Religious Technology
Relics placed in a Monastery provide an income of +40 Food, +40 Wood, and +10 Stone every minute.
Melee Armor Technology 1/3
Increase the melee armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Ranged Armor Technology 1/3
Increase the ranged armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Ranged Damage Technology 1/3
Increase the ranged damage of all arrows and bolts by +1.
Melee Damage Technology 1/3
Increase the melee damage of all non-siege units by +1.
Siege Unit Unlock
Melee and ranged infantry can construct Siege Towers and Battering Rams in the field.
Ranged Damage Technology 2/3
Increase the ranged damage of all arrows and bolts by +1.
Siege Technology
Increase the movement speed of siege engines by +15%.
Melee Armor Technology 2/3
Increase the melee armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Ranged Armor Technology 2/3
Increase the ranged armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Melee Damage Technology 2/3
Increase the melee damage of all non-siege units by +1.
Production Technology
Increase the production speed of infantry, cavalry, siege, and transport units at buildings by 33%. Does not affect religious units or other support units.
Cavalry Technology
Fill the stables with the best stallions, increasing all cavalry health by +35%.
Ranged Armor Technology 3/3
Increase the ranged armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Gunpowder Technology
Advancements in alchemical research increase the bonus damage of all gunpowder siege weapons by +25%.
Melee Armor Technology 3/3
Increase the melee armor of all non-siege units by +1.
Ranged Damage Technology 3/3
Increase the ranged damage of all arrows and bolts by +1.
Siege Technology
New carpentry techniques increase the health of siege units by +20%.
Melee Damage Technology 3/3
Increase the melee damage of all non-siege units by +1.
Melee Infantry Technology
Training elite infantry leads to improved prowess in battle. Melee Infantry gain +15% damage and +15% health.
Ranged Technology
Flammable munitions grant non-gunpowder ranged units a siege arrow or bolt when attacking buildings and increase their damage by +20%.
Gunpowder Technology
With new gunpowder, Handcannoneers gain +5 damage against melee infantry and gain a brief increase to their movement speed after firing their weapon.
Companion Upgrade
Increase Jeanne d'Arc's health and damage by 25% and gain +1 armor. Increase the health and damage of Jeanne's Companions by 20%.
Royal Knight Technology
Royal Knights regenerate +1 health every 1 seconds when out of combat.
Royal Knight Technology
Increase Royal Knights' bonus damage after a charge from +3 to +10.
Arbalétrier Technology
Increase the attack speed of Arbalétriers by +25%.
Arbalétrier Technology
Increase Arbalétrier melee armor by +5.
Influence Technology
Consecrated buildings also reduce the Wood and Gold cost of units by 25%.
Battering Ram Technology
Increase Battering Ram attack speed by +20% and reduce their field construction time by -50%.
Springald Technology
Increases Springald attack speed by +25% and grants +10% Ranged Resistance.
Scout Technology
Increase the sight radius of Scouts by 30%.
Trebuchet Technology
Increase damage of Trebuchets by +20%.
Archer Technology
Stringing bows with silk grants Archers +1.5 range and Mounted Archers +0.75 range.
Mangonel Technology
Increases Mangonel range by +1, blast radius by +75%, and adds +1 projectile to attacks.
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